With our solutions we enter into partnerships with Energy Suppliers. Our typical customer is an energy company that runs a retail operation and concludes energy contracts with end-customers. That energy contract can involve the buying or selling of power and gas or both. Jules’ IT solutions accommodate the online execution of flexible/variable energy contracts and allows for the selection and settlement of transactions in a secure environment.

Not only retail departments of an energy company should consider the adoption of our energy trading platforms but also the energy trading departments can benefit greatly. For instance the incumbent ETRM-solution combined with our customer interfacing trading platform solutions offer distinct user-experience and risk management benefits.
Jules acts as the Energy Company’s technology partner and builds, hosts and maintains the IT-infrastructure (software solution). The energy company adopts the software platform and offers it under their own label to their end-customers. The energy company can have specific platform requirements deployed to make it its own bespoke platform in full alignment with its formulated business processes and commercial strategies.
The solutions of Jules can serve various business customer segments: Industrial and Commercial customers (I&C), small to medium sized enterprises (SME), energy generators and renewables (PPA-platform). Both the commodities power and gas can be entertained. In fact, through the platforms, within the retail space a wholesale environment is mimicked. End customers are exposed to wholesale market (or wholesale market derived) prices. A platform user can hedge prices and volumes on the long term (for instance up to 5 years ahead). But also spot market trading capabilities are offered. End-customers can trade day -ahead and intraday positions.

In the energy retail sector consultants and brokers play an important role as a mediator between energy companies and business end-customers. These companies play a key role in the adoption and use of our solutions, since they understand the demands of customers and they know how energy markets work. Over the years, practice has shown that many consultants use the platforms and trade on behalf of the end-customers. We have developed distinct functionalities to allow consultants to operate the platforms effectively and efficiently.
Click here to see how we help TPIs, Brokers & Consultants manage their customer demands