In 2010 Jules entered the UK market and was fortunate to work with the renowned and globally active energy company Total Gas & Power (TGP). TGP adopted the platform as a strategic instrument to build a market position in the embedded generation segment. Thankfully with great success!
Back in 2010, Jules hired a locally present Jules UK director and we shared office space with TGP in Leeds initially. On a frequent basis Dutch Jules staff members supported both the UK director and TGP employees on visits to end-customers to promote the trading platform.
In 2017 Jules was happy to welcome Engie in the UK as the second company in the UK power market to offer a trading platform to their customers. Less than one year later (2018) Flexitricity followed to partner with Jules as well.

At the end of 2019 Jules signed an agreement with UK’s largest renewables provider Smartest Energy. Their platform went live in the beginning of 2020.
2020 was also the year where we moved into our new office space in Loughborough at the technology centre of the University of Loughborough. Currently a UK-team of 5 people are employed. We also give students within Loughborough University to work with Jules Energy increating new innovative products/services. Over the past 12 months we have taken on an intern who is studying for a masters in Marketing. We are also working with two further students to develop an app for our JuleSwitch module
In the year 2022 we expect to sign up two more energy supply companies in the UK. The UK energy market is of great importance to Jules and contributes positively to Jules’ growth ambitions.