The transformation of the energy sector is happening right now. The
landscape is changing dramatically. The competition between traditional and new suppliers is fierce and customers are in general not satisfied with the product and service offerings.
Last but not least, energy suppliers are expected to drive the energy transition forward with sustainable value for customers, the planet and for themselves where outdated legacy systems slow them down in these endeavours.
In IT-infrastructure systems terms, one of the vital success factors of utilities is to have flexibility in application configuration at a predictable cost, while maintaining openness to connect with existing and partners’ systems. Selecting the right IT solutions to support your business is not a simple choice.

Jules’ Philosophy
Digitisation of business processes and the creation of new value propositions that aim to be responsive to both the changing energy landscape and customers’ demands are well known practices to Jules.
With the ending of the passive energy consumer, efficient and easy interaction between the end-customer and supplier is of key importance. Energy suppliers can profit from improving their service level and connecting with the consumer via an online solution that allows for interaction. Energy suppliers will no longer be a supplier of kilowatt-hours only. Instead, they will become a service company that places customer needs at the centre and delivers excellent customer interactions – both online and offline.
Our solutions allow energy companies to focus on their customers, to surprise their customers by developing new products and offerings quickly and services matching their customer needs.
For Jules, platform cost, efficiency, flexibility, scalability, customer focus and high configurability are considered all essential to running a digital business.